Join Our Crew

OggCamp like any other community event relies on the great work of volunteers who help keep everything running. We aim to make being part of the crew a positive experience for all involved. You get to give something back but also enjoy the event and not be overloaded.

We really need crew members who can:

  • Meet, greet and register delegates
  • Alert the organising team to any Code of Conduct violations
  • Run the famous merchandise stall
  • Ensure that talks / workshops keep on time
  • Announce the next talks
  • Carry and move kit

But what do you get for this? In return for volunteering you will receive a limited edition crew t-shirt, free standard event t-shirt and mug to remember us by. Plus of course the enternal gratitude of all the organisers which doesn’t have a cash value but will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside :-)

If this sounds good please sign up using this form, thank you!

One of us! One of us! :D