Example Landing Page

This is an example landing page with callouts

Example Call To Action

Example callout 1

Example subtitle 1

The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.
For example, such as this.

Call to action 1

Example callout 2

Example subtitle 2

The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.
For example, such as this.

Call to action 2

Example callout 3

Example subtitle 3

The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.
For example, such as this.

Call to action 3

General page content

This is the rest of the page content. You can add what you like here.

If you would like to add a call to action button in the hero then add hero_link and hero_link_text to the page’s frontmatter

layout: page
title: Example Landing Page
subtitle: This is an example landing page with callouts
hero_height: is-large
hero_link: /page-1/
hero_link_text: Example Call To Action

Create a callout data file

Create a data file following the below format. The style is for classes to set the background colour and sizes you would like to use of the Bulma hero container for the callouts.

The items have 5 fields, but only the title and subtitle are required.

style: is-light
  - title: Example callout 1
    subtitle: Example subtitle 1
    icon: fa-space-shuttle
    description: >
      The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.

      For example, such as this. 
    call_to_action_name: Call to action 1
    call_to_action_link: /page-1/
  - title: Example callout 2
    subtitle: Example subtitle 2
    icon: fa-wrench
    description: >
      The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.

      For example, such as this.
    call_to_action_name: Call to action 2
    call_to_action_link: /page-2/
  - title: Example callout 3
    subtitle: Example subtitle 3
    icon: fab fa-github
    description: >
      The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.

      For example, such as this.
    call_to_action_name: Call to action 3
    call_to_action_link: /page-3/

Set the callouts in the frontmatter

To display the callouts on your page, add a callouts property in the frontmatter and set it to the name of your data file without the extension.

layout: page
title: Example Landing Page
subtitle: This is an example landing page
callouts: example_callouts